Science Hackathon Geneva 2017
10.02.-12.02.2017 – IdeaSquare, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Science Hackathon 2017 Schedule
09h30 – Welcome (Coffee & Croissants)10h00 – Science Hackathons – How to write Papers in 60h?
10h30 – Project Pitching 1
13h00 – Lunch
19h00 – Dinner
09h00 – Breakfast (Coffee & Croissants)10h00 – Project Pitching 2
13h00 – Lunch
17h00 – Project Midterm Pitch
19h00 – Dinner
09h00 – Breakfast (Coffee & Croissants)13h00 – Lunch
17h00 – Final Presentation & Judge Feedback
Our team 2017
Without the enthusiastic voluntary work of our Organizing Team we could not work professionally – a big Thank You and it is fantastic to work with you.
Executive committee 2016
Sylvain Kaufmann
CERNProcess engineer in the electronics assembly workshop@CERN.
Hansdieter Schweiger
CERNMechanical Engineer working on Pixel detector and services upgrade for the ATLAS experiment.
Estel Perez Codina
Organizing team 2017
Agnes Jakab
THE PortInternational HR & recruitment professional. Communication and volunteering enthusiast.
Andrey Loginov
YalePhysicist working on Transition Radiation Tracker and top(-pair) + Higgs data analyses.
Bilge Demirköz
METUAssociate Professor at METU working on the AMS-02 experiment.
Branislav Ristic
CERNDoctoral student working on silicon sensor technologies for the ATLAS experiment.
Bruno Silva De Sousa
CERNIT engineer, service manager at CERN.
Cecile Lapoire
Founding Member
CERNPhysicist working on the ATLAS pixel detector, curious about art, human beings, life, universe, etc.
Clement Helsens
CERNPhysicist still searching for new physics in the top-quark sector in the ATLAS experiment.
Cristina Olivotto
sterrenLABFounder of Sterrenlab, working in the field of science communication and education in formal and informal environments.
Daniel Dobos
Founding Member
CERNPhysicist working on Silicon & Diamond detectors development, integration and operation.
Ines Knäpper
Founding Member
Project Manager with strong background in Intercultural Management, Sales and Customer Service.
Iulia Pascu
CERNProject Manager, event organiser at CERN.
Jens Dopke
Founding Member
RALPhysicist working on silicon detector construction, calibration and operation, big fan of electronics.
Joao Pequenao
CERNChief Troublemaker at CERN Media Lab.
Juliet Primo
Project consultant, communication and outreach.
Joona Kurikka
Founding Member
Aalto UniversityDoctoral student, Cooperation Associate at IdeaSquare@CERN.
Karola Dette
Founding Member
CERNDoctoral student working on silicon sensor upgrade developments for the ATLAS experiment.
Karolos Potamianos
Founding Member
Berkeley LabPhysicist and engineer working on silicon detectors, currently on the data acquisition for the ATLAS Pixel Detector, and data analysis.
Laura Jeanty
Founding Member
Berkeley LabPhysicist working on data acquisition for the ATLAS Pixel detector with expertise in detector monitoring and data analysis.
Leonardo Milano
CERNPhysicist working in the ALICE experiment.
Luisa Meneghetti
IDMCCommunity manager and responsible for THE Port newsletter.
Marthe Dehli
CERNMaster’s student in entrepreneurship and business development doing a thesis on THE Port and start-ups emerging from the hackathon.
Michael Kagan
Founding Member
SLACExpert in large-scale data analysis, pattern recognition, and ATLAS pixel detector quality assurance.
Michael Leyton
Founding Member
Oliver Keller
Patricia Montalvo
I work as administrative manager. I love the idea of improving the life of those less favoured by using technology.
Pierre Freyermuth
CERNAuthentic Proton-breeder, Electronic technician and Java developer.
Ruben Fernandez Morcillo
Founding Member
CERNMechanical technician with knowledge in rapid prototyping machinery. Currently working as safety officer.
Tomoko Muranaka
Technical Project Manager
CERNPhysicist working on material characterisations for future accelerator developments.
Tuuli Utriainen
Founding Member
Aalto UniversityPiloting activities at IdeaSquare@CERN.
Vetle Nilsen
CERNWorking in the CERN Knowledge Transfer Group on topics around innovation and entrepreneurship.
Vojtěch Šimetka
CERNWorking on virtual reality for engineers at CERN like 360° panoramas.
Hugo Day • Jörg Stelzer • Marylin Marx • Stephan Petit