THE Port 2017
6.10.-8.10.2017 – IdeaSquare, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
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Topics 2017
Our topics selected for the 2017 edition are inspired by friends and colleagues working at Terres des Hommes, Global Humanitarian Lab, United Nations and many other NGOs in and around Geneva.
Team Pier38
Lost identity documents, issues of birth registration in their country of origin, refusal by foreign authorities: migrant children without documents to prove their age are especially vulnerable to hazardous forms of work, early marriages, underage recruitment into fighting forces or being treated as an adult in criminal proceedings. The currently used age determination techniques (bone age x-rays, dental examinations, anthropometric measurements, psycho-social assessments) are questionable in many ways, and have a 2-years error margin, while the main target population of juveniles is 14-18 years old. It is required to develop the reliability of the currently used methods and possibly find new, more accurate ways of age assessment
Age Assessment for Migrant Children
Team Pier17
Lack of energy access often corresponds to significant humanitarian needs in developing countries. Local practitioners face difficulties to access data and best practices in rural electrification, so bringing electricity to vulnerable communities is particularly challenging. We aim to combine in an app a number of existing powerful open-source tools for development of solar electrification projects and overcome their complexity of use while better considering the humanitarian aspects.
Renewable Energy App for Rural Electrification
Team Pier49
A prevalent and undeniable fact is that the lack of recycling in modern communities is harmful both for individuals and the environment alike. Focusing on the refugees’ camps, the misuse of recycling practices encumbers the quality of life. Furthermore, cause of the lack of environmental education and proper motivation, a lot of recyclable materials end up in landfills. An initiative from Lesvos Island has seen up close and assess the environmental and living conditions in the camps. They came up with an idea to develop a mobile application that communicates with a specially designed recycle bin. Recognition and reward system will provide an easy way to promote environmental education and thus resulting to cleaner camps.
Waste Management in Refugee Camps
Team Pier23
Tracking motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in real time may help not only reduce the progression of the symptom by better targeting drugs but also reveal the evolution of the disease. It is expected to develop a real-time tracking device which is inexpensive, compact sized with a long battery life and easily accessible by any patients. A new hardware device developed together with friendly user interface and big data analysis algorithms will open the door for new clinical researches such as precise efficiency evaluations of current drugs, studying the evolutions of the disease and producing new pharmaceutical products.
Wearable for Parkinson Development Monitoring
Team Pier52
Lower limb amputation as consequence of war and conflict, has catastrophic effects in terms of an individual’s basic movements and functions, their mental and physical well being and their societal contribution. Recently developed custom made and affordable 3D printed prostheses in combination with affordable gait training of lower-limb amputees has the potential to allow increased access and efficiency to these forms of physiotherapy. We aim for recipes and best practices to create a collection of portable, affordable and “smart” wobble-boards that provides visual and auditory feedback to the patient and can be produced according to local availabilities and restrictions.
Cheap Sonic Wobble-Board for Lower-limb Amputees
Team PierX5
For many non-profit government organizations the task of good communication is key. The goal is to use Matrix to create an app or service which can be useful to NGOs on the field. We aim to help adoption of open networks for secure, decentralized communication.
Open Network for Secure, Decentralized Communication
Team PierX6
Digital Dimension of a Migrant Food Truck
Teams 2017
Five inter-disciplinary teams with about 10 members each had 6 weeks of preparation time with video-conference meetings and a 60 hour final hackathon to build working prototypes and tangible solutions for real-life humanitarian problems.
Global coach entrepreneurship: Felix Stähli – Knowledge transfer: CERN KT
Team: AdvantAge
Age Assessment for Migrant ChildrenCoaches: Silvestro Di Luise • Michael Kagan

Amos Doornbos (CA & NL)
Amos has a passion for applying technology to make the lives of beneficiaries and frontline staff easier. He spends most of his time convincing agencies technology is the easy part; the real challenge being changing people’s behaviour and organisational processes and culture. Amos has over 15 years of experience working in humanitarian aid in over 25 countries – within large and small iNGOs, creating new innovative NGOs, and consulting and coaching. In his spare time, he enjoys serving on boards of social enterprises and creating things – from websites to sheds to houses, gardens and cakes.

Ben Parker (UK)
Ben is a journalist and aid worker with a coding habit. Now senior editor for the news service IRIN in Geneva, he has worked in humanitarian affairs, online media and fragile states for more than 20 years. In 2013, Ben was director of communications for the UN in Mogadishu. Before that he headed the UN’s humanitarian office in Syria. Ben is a critical analyst of humanitarian response, based on his experience, which includes years in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan and Darfur. His technology interests include web scraping, corporate networks, aid transparency and data journalism.

Ben Krikler (UK)
Ben is a post-doctorate particle physicist from the University of Bristol, searching for Dark Matter both on the CMS experiment at CERN and on the LZ experiment at SURF in South Dakota. Earlier this year he finished his PhD at Imperial College London on the COMET experiment, looking for muon-to-electron conversion in Japan. Whilst Ben’s mission in life has always been to understand the universe as best as possible, he also wants to put the data-analysis and problem-solving skills of his research to use on real-world problems. In his spare time, Ben enjoys learning languages and travelling.

Fabrice Crégut (FR)
Fabrice has been working in international humanitarian aid and development for more than 10 years. With a Masters in International Law and Humanitarian Action, he has been living and working in South Sudan, Togo, Indian Kashmir, Tanzania and Afghanistan. He has been working for the last 7 years as global advisor on juvenile justice for Terre des hommes Foundation, where he participates in technical support to more than 20 field missions and in developping the expertise of the organization with a specific current interest on prevention of delinquancy and violent extremism as well as justice in emergency settings.

Lorène Métral (CH & FR)
Lorène Métral, holds a Bachelor in International Relations as well as an interdisciplinary Master in Children’s Rights of the University of Geneva. She is working in the field of Advocacy for the NGO Terre des hommes – helping children worldwide. Passionate about the promotion of the rights of the child, Lorène has been active with several children’s rights organisations. Her field of expertise is the child’s right to identity in the context of international adoption and surrogacy arrangement. She is also currently working on the topic of migrant children with a focus on unaccompanied minors.

Paolo Gradassi (IT)
Paolo has a background in aeronautical engineering with a doctorate in the field of aeroacustics. He has contributed to the development of new collimators for the LHC at CERN and is currently supervising the manufacture of accelerating structures for ADAM, a CERN spin-off company developing an innovative medical linear accelerator for the treatment of cancers.

Peter Prix (DE)
Peter is a passionate aid worker, currently in the process of launching a non-profit tech startup OneRelief, which is leveraging micropayment and crowdfunding tools during humanitarian emergencies to mobilize funding. Peter has over five years of experience working in international development and humanitarian response with the German bilateral development cooperation and the United Nations, in particular the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator and UNESCO. He holds an M.Sc. in Development Economics from Euromed Management in Marseilles, France. Peter has a particular interest in new technologies and their applications in the context of social change. He strongly believes in collaboration and crowdsourcing and is open to new ideas and cultures as he moves around in the world.

Pia Massatsch (SE)
Physicist and biomedical engineer, cook and kitchen workshop leader, it’s when things get interdisciplinary and multicultural that Pia enjoys them the most. After a PhD in biomedical optics she chose to focalise on gastronomy for several years and just recently returned to Scientifics. What brought her back was the feeling that all over the world great research was going on, combined with the obvious lack of application even of the most basic discoveries in a major part of the world. She is currently project manager at the EssentialMed foundation.

Sean Carroll (AU & IR)
Sean has has lived and worked in several countries and across many industries. Starting his professional life as a software trainer, he has since worked in a wide variety of technical, business and leadership roles. Currently employed at EPFL, he previously worked at MSF and is interested in applying disruptive technologies such as mobile phones and machine learning to helping the world’s most vulnerable people.
A father, he enjoys socialising, travel and a good book.

Serim Hande Tarcan (TR)
Hande is a sixth-year medical student from Acibadem University, Turkey. She has been working with displaced communities, especially Syrian refugees in Turkey. Hande is currently working on a mobile application for better collection and storage of health records of refugees in Istanbul. Improving healthcare access for vulnerable populations and enhanced social integration of refugees into their host communities are main interests of hers at the moment. Hande also tries to learn coding for creating innovative solutions for healthcare but we can say that she is not so successful at this, yet.

Timokleia Kousi (GR)
Timokleia is a veterinarian with clinical and research orientation, actively engaged in humanitarian issues. Idealist and goal oriented, believing in change and people.

Vitalija Kolisova (LT)
Vitalija is a communication expert with background in public sector and journalism. Currently she works for Lithuanian Innovation Centre but has a prior knowledge and experience in framing, implementing and communicating social policy. Her interests include politics, international relations, humanitarian and social issues, conflict resolution and security. To blow some steam of Vitalija plays tennis, when tired hikes, and cooks to relax. This is her first hackathon.
Team: GridApp
Renewable Energy App for Rural ElectrificationCoaches: Agnes Jakab • Valerio Rosseti

Alberto Degiovanni (IT)
Alberto is an accelerator physicist. After his experience as fellow at CERN he is working in the field of appications of particle accelerators to medicine. He obtained his PhD in Physics at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He loves science and its application for society.

Amudha Ravishankar (IN)
Amudha is an architect & urban planner from India. She is a freelance GIS Consultant in Geneva. She had been part of crowd sourced attempt on mapping during the Chennai floods and Nepal earthquake. As an urban planner in India and Libya, she had been part of Disaster Management plans, master Plans and Traffic operational plans. As a volunteer and project assistant she was involved in content development of the CORE Humanitarian Training material in a NGO in Geneva and had assisted the GIS and Data Team of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative & Ebola Response, WHO, Geneva.

Anna Zinecker (DE)
Anna is an energy practioner and political scientist. Her specialties are understanding systems, translating complicated stuff into something that people can relate to, reality-checks and making things work. She works with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) on fossil fuel subsidies. She previously worked with GIZ, as an advisor on energy policy to the German government and three years for the Energising Development programme in Rwanda. She developed a results-based financing mechanism for mini-grids and solar lighting solutions for rural households and worked with government and Rwandan companies to develop a market for private micro-hydro power plants.

Anthony Thomas (GB)
Anthony is a software developer working for, day to day he works on building and maintaining journey planning and fares software across the european rail system. In addition to this he has entered a wide variety of hackathons and produced projects ranging from interactive 3D mapping, satellite data processing applications to robotic controls and fitness trackers.

Ben Bowler (GB)
Ben is a chartered electrical engineer living in Geneva, Switzerland. His professional expertise is in electricity transmission, distribution and renewable generation covering design, project management, business development and strategy. He now manages a small consultancy specialising in rural electrification in remote areas with a particular focus on development and humanitarian applications for renewable energy. When he is not at work Ben enjoys running and climbing in the Alps.

Dessy Anggraeni (ID)
Dessy is an agricultural economist with a passion for data science and forecasting. Before she came to Switzerland in 2016, she had worked for private businesses in Indonesia and an agricultural research institute in Germany. As of of the entrepreneurs supported by SINGA Switzerland, Dessy is currently developing a data communication platform to assist small-holder farmers in South Africa. She lives in Bern with her husband and loves to enjoy the beautiful nature of the country.

Eric Verploegen (US)
Eric has a background in materials science and received his PhD in Polymer Science and Technology from MIT. He currently works at MIT D-Lab, where his work focuses on supporting organizations based in off-grid regions to identify technologies, products, and distribution strategies to increase energy access in their communities. He also enjoys playing pick-up basketball and frisbee.

Fatima Bojaï (CH)
Fatima develops communication and advocacy campaigns and works on publications and driven purpose events. As a G3iD member, she was in the marcom team of the Geneva Global Goals Innovation Day. Last year, she did a photo-book picturing an NGO action in 5 countries : education, health, shelter, WaSH, etc. Previously, at the Geneva Red Cross, she worked on a historical book to celebrate 150 years, and organized events. In the 90s, Fatima founded an office to promote contemporary art from Southern Countries. Fatima holds some university degrees, in cultural, development and humanitarian fields.

James Jennings (US)
James is a management consultant and executive who helps businesses grow faster. He has worked in many industries including four years as the Director of Global of Market Development and Product Management at Northern Power Systems, a designer and manufacturer of 100kW wind turbines for distributed generation and hybrid energy systems in remote communities, farms, schools and factories. His strengths are business models, channel development, consumer education and sales tools more than renewable technology itself. He lives in Lausanne with his wife and two teenage sons.

Mohammad Moosajee (US)
Mohammad is studying Mechanical Engineering and Physics at Texas Tech University. Strong believer in advocating for Renewable Energy as he has experienced consequences of climate change. He is trying to initiate an experimental start-up in West Texas/Panhandle Region to help farmers switch their mills & cotton gins to renewable energy source. Mohammad is also doing research on Quantum Mechanics and Particle Entanglement, looking for ways to fabricate quantum computer cheap and less complex. He loves to travel and explore new places, hike mountains, and camping.

Oday Darwich (LB)
Oday is a Computer Scientist R&D with interest in CyberSecurity. He is a member in the Swiss-CyberSecurity association. He is very active and he has an Entrepreneurial passion. Oday mentored the Geneva Summer Schools students projects for two months and based on a platform developed by MIT media lab called buildinprogress he adapt it to Sustainable Development Goal of the UN to a platform called where creators could share their project, its progress and keep track of their ideas.

Oliver Paul (GB)
Oliver is a mechanical engineer currently working for a dynamic tech start-up in the Geneva area. With a background in both the energy industry and the disaster response NGO sector, Oliver has worked in multiple disaster zones in Peru and the Philippines. The latter, mostly in rural areas, highlighted the need for sustainable energy solutions in off-grid areas. A lover of the mountains; Oliver is also a passionate paraglider pilot, kite-surfer, skiier and alpinist.

Phoebe Oriama (KE)
Phoebe is currently studying Electrical and Electronics engineering. She has particular interest in embedded systems and hardware programming. Social innovation is one of the main reasons she uses engineering and innovation as a tool. She is currently working with Gearbox and Fedha Electrics on different projects in Kenya that include developing and automation of systems that improve the lives of communities.
Team: Trash, we can!
Waste Management in Refugee CampsCoaches: Karolos Potamianos • Reka Farkas

Boshra Khoshnevis (IR)
Boshra is a humanitarian architect who recently finished her masters in International Cooperation in Urban Development and Emergency Architecture. Her latest experience was an internship in Nepal on building back better after the earthquake. During the last two years, she had the chance to pursue her passion in humanitarian aid by visiting refugee camps in Germany and Greece and interview a few of their residence to become familiar with challenges in their daily life and organisations who want to help them.

Diamantina Pseftoga (GR)
Diamantina is a senior student in the environmental department of Aegean University, Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece. She is experienced in waste management and more specifically in the creation and improving of recycling systems. Her main goal is through environmental education and communication, to be able to bring local society and refugees to work together, with a view to develop Lesvos Island.

Irene Moriki (GR)
Irene is a fifth-year student in the environmental department of the Aegean University in Mytilene, Lesvos. She involved in recycling and the placement of a recycling system. She is a research member of Professor Skanavis’ Research Unit of Environmental Communication and Education. Irene is very passionate about exploring the world and try new experiences and also loves to organize things.

Guillaume Clatot (FR)
Guillaume is the Logistic Coordinator for OXFAM in Greece. He studied Logistics before working in the private sector for 10 years. After a trip in Asia, he decided to join the humanitarian sector. Currently on in 15th humanitarian mission, he has been working in 10 countries in various contexts such as vaccination campaigns, malnutrition treatment, or refugee camps. During his free time, he can either go hiking, play with his power kite … Or spend days in Libraries or on internet satisfying his passion for genealogy.

Maria Chatziantoniou (GR)
Maria is a full-time member of teaching staff in the Department of Environment at the University of the Aegean, Greece. Her research fields is environmental quality assurance methods, environmental management networks and green/sustainable entrepreneurship. Since 2014, she teaches 4th-year students environmental quality assurance and green/sustainable entrepreneurship, and gives emphasis on their practical training through their participation in the courses’ laboratories and in projects on real world problems.

Melissa Casagrande (FR)
Melissa is an entrepreneur currently designing a nurse call system. It attributes the call to the closest nurse and anticipates needs of the patient. The goal? Prevent calls, improve time to answer, and infuse empathy. As a former business development consultant, Melissa has worked with industrial sound designers to develop a better planet soundscape. Her first experience with refugees was in the US. She evaluated a program that trains former refugees to work in early learning centers and to use their traditional children’s songs on the job. Her drive is to make the world a user-friendly place.

Pieter (BE)
Pieter is an electronics engineer by trade and a humanitarian by interest. He works at beam transfer magnets at CERN during the day and tries to apply his technical experience to help others. Disappointed by how Europe is tackling the refugee crisis he’s been helping especially recent refugees, including teaching and tutoring.

Réka Farkas (HU)
Réka is a risk management professional with a relentless passion for untangling knots and linking old with new. In her work at UNHCR she looks at countless “what ifs”, to make sure there is a plan for the unexpected. She is excited to help people move forward by speculating about the future. She has lived and worked in Hungary, Australia, Canada, Uganda and is now based in Switzerland. With a soft spot for understanding tradition, she can easily translate between people and cultures.

Saco Heijboer (NL)
Coming in from an engineering background, Saco has become an experienced manager in product development. Fields of expertise are railroad material, production equipment, agricultural machines and measurement devices. He has a passion for making stuff and loves art (especially music), science and innovative technology. He is characterised by his creativeness, his both analytical and pragmatic approach and his ability to connect to people from very diverse backgrounds. His philosophy for product design is: “By matching product and process you get the result that makes all stakeholders happy.”

Sofio Giorgadze (GE)
Sofio works as an analyst to a project – Improving Legal Safeguards for Internet Freedoms in Georgia. She has lived in Lithuania, Estonia and Spain and is a recent graduate of Tallinn University School of Digital Technologies. In her free time she enjoys working on freelance motion graphics projects. She is extremely human-friendly person and can easily find the most fun and creative solution to any problem.

Stavros Myrogiannis (GR)
Stavros is the director of the Hospitality Center for Refugees and Migrants of the municipality of Lesvos MAVROVOUNI (KARA TEPE). He is responsible for planning, strategy human resources, program manager and planning authority. He was head of the NGO Metadrasis, which escorts underaged refugees and immigrants by supervising their protection and psychological support. Since 20 years he is a special advisor of the Municipality of Lesvos for issues regarding refugees and migrants.

Sujata Majumdar (UK)
Sujata is an artist with a background in physics, photography, and ICT. She has been residing in the Netherlands since 2001, where she also works on implementing a new electronic health record at a teaching hospital. In 2014 she was awarded an ICT-Art Connect residency by the EC, for which she co-created the project Desirable Dossiers, with Healthcare ICT experts, patients and practitioners. She wanted to give people a feel for their medical data, indirectly empowering them in the choices they have in healthcare.

Thanasis Koukoulis (GR)
Thanasis is a senior student in the Department of the Environment, Aegean University.
He has a passion for programming and technology in general.
He is a certified Environmental instructor and his dream is to find technological means to environmentally educate others to adopt responsible environmental behaviour.
He has experience in waste management, creating, improving and designing recycling systems.
As a native of Lesvos island he aspires to make impact on it by improving the relationship between locals and refugees as much as the relationship between the people of the Island with the environment.

Vasili Sofiadellis (ZA & GR)
Vasili has transitioned from playing professional soccer in both Greece and South Africa’s premier leagues to a Chartered Accountant, and is currently an enthusiastic philanthropist. Sofiadellis worked at PwC performing numerous due diligence assignments whereafter he Co-Created PwC’s Strategy in the Startup Ecosystem. He’s now the CEO at Visions2Ventures, a bespoke advisory and VC firm, and the founder of Changemakers Lab, an ecosystem builder that enables social entrepreneurs and key stakeholders to cooperate and co-create impactful tech solutions that solve social challenges. He was a member of Silicon Cape’s Executive Committee, EBAN’s European Impact Investment Committee and a founding crew member of StartupBoat, focused on the current refugee crisis.
Team: Spes Spirae
Wearable for Parkinson Development MonitoringCoaches: Pierre Freyermuth • Daniel Dobos

Aayush Chadha (IN)
Aayush is a second year student of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Manchester. Originally hailing from India, Aayush’s fascination for computers began with the use of chess engines. Since then, the fascination has expanded to natural language processing and data wrangling. His first year in Manchester was divided between working at a startup as a developer, assisting with research into Parkinson’s Disease at the University of Manchester and travelling to hackathons on the weekend.

Ane Dalsnes Storsaeter (NO)
Ane is a senior engineer/project manager at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA). She graduated in 2008 with a master’s degree in Mechanical engineering and ICT. She worked for two years in product development on mechanical parts for 4D reservoir monitoring solutions for offshore oil and gas production. In 2010 she joined the NPRA working with car simulators, then moved on to lead research projects. The last three years have been focused on utilizing the vehicle as a sensor, accessing the vast amount of data produced by cars to give information about traffic and infrastructure.

Brenda Penante (BR)
Brenda is a theoretical physicist currently working at CERN. Her research is on mathematical aspects of scattering processes of subatomic particles, such as those taking place at the LHC. She grew up in Brazil, but her career in physics has taken her to five other countries. Brenda enjoys interacting with different cultures, travelling, teaching, and is passionate about improving the life of others especially through science and technology. Outside of work, she enjoys yoga and practises meditation.

Evangelia Tsakali (GR)
Evangelia is a senior student at Environment Department of Aegean University. She is experienced in waste management, especially creating and improving recycling systems. Also has work with refugees in order to educate about recycling and responsible environmental behavior. Finds herself more efficient when working as a part of team. Her biggest dream is to bring together refugees and local community in order to develop Lesvos Island.

Giuseppe Reale (IT)
Giuseppe is a young Neurology resident at University Hospital “Agostino Gemelli” in Rome. Since he was a student, he loves brain and its complex interconnection with human behaviour, from movement to art. His research is focused on stroke, neurological ultrasound and brain connectivity. He likes challenges requiring a “think outside the box” approach and he believes that only multi-disciplinary teams can face the nowadays multi-complex problems. He plays keyboards in rock band and is passionate of trekking, philosophy and movies. He has a beautiful son, named Nicola.

Kitti Lai (NO)
Kitti is a Web Developer and IT support specialist, recently graduated in Informatics. Her responsibilities are designs and web development projects, which support the official Physics Education Programmes at CERN. She has a strong background in administration, communications and customer service from Norway and has always been passionate about information management and business process improvement for information systems. She also enjoys being a communicator, working in collaboration with others and to solve challenges that can contribute to a better future.

Marco Daldoss (IT)
Marco is an electronic engineer working in CERN. He is passioned in projects regarding Internet-of-Things, low-power electronics, solar powered devices and sensor system. He also like to help people.

Mateusz Sadowski (PL)
Mateusz is a mechatronics engineer working in the Geneva Area on integrating state of the art sensing technologies on various robotic platforms (drones, mobile and industrial robots). He is passionate about software development and a firm believer in Open Source. During his studies, he launched a rocket (almost) into space. When he’s not programming he enjoys ski touring, hiking, snowboarding or mini quadrocopter flying. You can see what Mateusz is currently up to by following his personal blog.

Mohammad Abdul Jabbar (BD)
Mohammad was born at Dhaka, Bangladesh. He did his Bachelor in Electronics and Telecom. Engineering from Independent University,Bangladesh-IUB. He studied Masters in Wireless Networks and Electronics at Linkˆping University, Sweden. He participated at NASA Hackathon and was awarded ‘Galactic Problem-Solver’ certificate. He has six research publications including in IEEE Xplore. He is recipient of Erasmus Placement Scholarship at United Nations Development Program, Germany. However, he is passionate about Embedded System and Communication Engineering.

Stefania Imperia (IT)
After a M.Sc. in International Development and Security, Stefania has worked in different project management and communication roles. Building on a long-term volunteering experience as an asylum advocate, she has learned about cash-based interventions with UNHCR and has worked with Oxfam distributing cash assistance to refugees in Greece. She recently moved to Belgium to help DG ECHO coordinating the development of a platform facilitating the management of volunteers deployed to humanitarian projects, as well as supporting knowledge sharing, partnerships and collaboration.

Shamyl Bin Mansoor (PK)
Shamyl is an Assistant Professor at National University of Sciences & Technology, Pakistan. At NUST he led a research group SMART Lab, which developed Pakistan’s first Surgical Simulator won several awards for it’s projects. His interest in teaching computer science led him to co-found LearnOBots, which is promoting creative hands-on STEAM education in Pakistani schools. At LearnOBots his role includes curriculum design, product development and managing Engineering and Training teams. Hardware tinkerer at heart he loves solving big problems by designing technology based solutions.

Tobia Wyss (CH)
Tobia is 25 and has grown up in a large family in Ticino, the italian part of Switzerland. He has finished a bachelor in micro engineering and is now finishing a master in energy and sustainability at EPFL. He has gathered several intercultural experiences through exchange years in Argentina and Norway, traveling in Latin America and China, volunteering in Lebanon and Greece… He loves to make music – especially bodypercussion – dance, being out in nature doing all kind of activities and sports, and a good glass of wine for dinner.
Cheap Sonic Wobble-Board for Lower-limb AmputeesCoaches: Daniel Dobos • Domenico Vicinanza • Genevieve Williams

Domenico Vicinanza (GB)
Domenico is a Senior Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, where he is also the director of the Sound And Game Engineering (SAGE) research group. He received his PhD in physics working at the R&D for particle physics detectors at the Large Hardon Collider (LHC) at CERN. He is a professional music composer and orchestrator and he is also a technical trainer for GÉANT, the European Network for Research and Education. He currently works with Dr Genevieve Williams on designing bespoke sensors and using spectral analysis and data sonification in biomechanics, motor control and sport science.

Enrico Bassi (IT)
Enrico graduated in “Design&Engineering” at Politecnico di Milano, was the coordinator of the first italian Fablab in 2011. He teaches “digital fabrication”and “industrial production” in NABA (Milan), SUPSI (Lugano) and LABA (Brescia), and he is instructor for the international course “Fab Academy”. He is coordinating Fablab Opendot in Milan since 2014 and during the last three years he has been involved in different project that aim to co-design with people facing physical limitation, the products they need, using digital fabrication to reduce the costs and speed up the development.

Genevieve Williams (GB)
Genevieve is a Human Movement Scientist based at the University of Exeter, UK. Her specialisms are the study of biomechanics and motor control. She works with Dr Domenico Viciananza on a number of sonification projects for health and art.

Joe Gaylord (US)
Joe is a freelance innovation consultant originally from the US. He lived in Geneva working on organizational communication, innovation, social entrepreneurship and ICT4D from 2011 until this summer. In July he moved to Bologna Italy and started working with the Social Digital Innovation Initiative, a project building connections between technology and communities to develop and incubate social startups. He has also worked and written on gender, feminism, religion, public health, theatre, political science, pop culture and a range of other issues.

Kitty Liao (TW)
Kitty is a hackathon enthusiast who has a passion for building things. She is an entrepreneur, engineer and innovator. Kitty founded Ideabatic to help people with engineering innovation. She is a Hacker-In-Residence at Imperial College Advanced Hackspace. Kitty is working on a smart last-mile vaccine delivery system for the developing world. She has also worked on low temperature and multi-disciplinary systems, including R&D for LHC upgrade at CERN. Kitty also enjoys traveling, designing and making her own clothes, cooking, skiing and swimming.

Lamia Benaouali (DZ)
Lamia is an Information Systems and Technology Engineer and currently studying Artificial Intelligence and Web, Ensimag – Grenoble INP. Her dream is to revolutionize education systems through technology. She likes astronomy, mangas and Ford Mustang.

Maurizio Alì (IT)
Maurizio is an anthropologist experienced with long-term fieldwork in remote and conflictive zones. He lived during several years with indigenous and autochthonous communities in the Amazon rainforest and in the South Seas. Also, as a journalist, researcher and humanitarian worker, he witnessed the social violence in Colombia and Albania, working in close contact with the victims of war. At the present day, he is living in Martinique, a French ultramarine territory in the Caribbean Sea, where he spends his time teaching, writing, reading and listening reggae on the beach.

Miguel Gómez-Escolar (ES)
Miguel has a science background (bachelor on Physics) and received his PhD in Climate Dynamics by Universidad Complutense of Madrid. After finishing his academia phase, he decided to move into the private sector where now works part time as Crop Production Analyst. Rest of his time he is trying to collaborate on projects related to climate change adaptation and food security.

Nishanie Jayamaha (LK)
Nishanie has over 14 years of experience with UN agencies, governmental institutions, and NGOs. She has worked in the gender and humanitarian field since 2000 with the Centre for Women’s Research (CENWOR), Humanitarian Information Centre (HIC), Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the World Humanitarian Summit Secretariat at country, regional, and headquarters levels and at Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection. She is at present the Learning and Program Coordinator at the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) in Geneva. Her experience includes managing emergencies ranging from sudden-onset disasters to complex emergencies and building partnerships with NGOs, UN agencies, Member States, Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, donors, and non-traditional actors.

Samuel Örn (SE)
Samuel is currently working on the development of a remote controlled inspection vehicle to be deployed within the CMS-cavern along the LHC tunnel at CERN. He holds a MSc in Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics. Even though his formal education was quite theoretical, he likes to tinker with hardware, as well as do low- and high level programming, which has led him into the field of robotics.

Stella Orfanelli (GR)
Stella is an electronics engineer working for the CMS experiment at CERN. For her PhD she designed a beam background detector system and as a post-doc, she joined the CMS tracker upgrade team as a system engineer. In her spare time, she loves participating in CERN outreach activities focusing on students such as Beam Lines for Schools, S’cool Lab and the International Masterclasses. Her capoeira nickname is Risadinha.

Zim Hang (US)
Zim is a 2x tech founder with one technology acquisition. He’s a growth and ops generalist with a passion for psychology and neuroscience. Zim enjoys leading small interdisciplinary teams and creating environments for them to thrive.
Team: Matrix
Open Network for Secure, Decentralized CommunicationCoaches: Alejandro Avilés
The PierX5 topic will be organized and run by Alejandro Avilés and will be supported by THE Port association.

Alejandro Avilés (ES)
Alejandro (@OmeGak) is a computer scientist currently working as an all-terrain web developer at CERN for the Indico project. Always with user experience design in mind, his weapons of choice are Python, Javascript and CSS. He previously did research on swarm intelligence for route discovery in case of natural disaster at Tokyo University of Science. Being himself a hacktivism enthusiast, Alejandro recently helped found Blindstore in order to provide better tools to protect privacy.

David Baker

Florian Vessaz

Laurent Rohrbasser

Luke Bernard

Matt Alamy

Pedro Ferreira

Roosembert Palacios (SV)
Roosembert is CS student at EPFL. During his childhood he was a member of the Mathematics Olympiad selection team of El Salvador which lead him to grow a great curiosity in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision along with a deep love for Mathematics. He took online courses in both technical and theorical branched until he started at EPFL, three years ago; At that time he started to actively pursue the FOSS concept thanks to GNU Generation. Later, he had the opportunity to do an internship which became a part-time job as a Junior developer for one start-up at EPFL Innovation park which he continued along with his studies for two years. Now he actively supports Matrix and sees it becoming one of the main columns of freedom for both social communications and OSS as well.
Team: Saveurs Migrantes
Digital Dimension of a Migrant Food TruckThe PierX5 topic will be organized and run by Hospice General and will be supported by THE Port association.
Our team 2017
Without the enthusiastic voluntary work of our Organizing Team, Advisory Board and Executive Committee we could not work professionally – a big Thank You and it is fantastic to work with you.
Executive committee 2017
Ines Knäpper
Co-president &
Founding Member
CERNProject Manager with strong background in Intercultural Management, Sales and Customer Service.
Karolos Potamianos
Co-president &
Founding Member
Berkeley LabPhysicist and engineer working on silicon detectors, currently on the data acquisition for the ATLAS Pixel Detector.
Christina Andreou
THE PortJunior Project Manager
Agnes Jakab
Humanitarian Advisor
THE PortInternational HR & recruitment professional. Communication and volunteering enthusiast.
Daniel Dobos
Treasurer &
Founding Member
THE PortPhysicist working on Silicon & Diamond detectors development, integration and operation.
Organizing team 2017
Bertrand Michels
THE PortBusiness Developer
Bilge Demirköz
METUAssociate Professor at METU working on the AMS-02 experiment.
Branislav Ristic
CERNDoctoral student working on silicon sensor technologies for the ATLAS experiment.
Bruno Silva De Sousa
CERNIT engineer, service manager at CERN.
Clement Helsens
CERNPhysicist still searching for new physics in the top-quark sector in the ATLAS experiment.
Danielle Sessa
THE PortCommunications Specialist.
Hansdieter Schweiger
CERNMechanical Engineer working on Pixel detector and services upgrade for the ATLAS experiment.
Iulia Pascu
Project Manager, event organiser at CERN.
Jens Dopke
Founding Member
RALPhysicist working on silicon detector construction, calibration and operation, big fan of electronics.
Joao Pequenao
CERNChief Troublemaker at CERN Media Lab.
Josefina Espinosa
GreenBuzzSustainability Consultant and Founding Member of GreenBuzz Geneva. Bridging sustainability, business and education in innovative and collaborative initiatives.
Juliet Primo
Project consultant, communication and outreach.
Joona Kurikka
Founding Member
Aalto UniversityDoctoral student, Cooperation Associate at IdeaSquare@CERN.
Karola Dette
Founding Member
CERNDoctoral student working on silicon sensor upgrade developments for the ATLAS experiment.
Leonardo Milano
IDMCSenior Data Scientist at the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre – IDMC.
Luisa Meneghetti
IDMCCommunity manager and responsible for THE Port newsletter.
Michael Kagan
Founding Member
SLACExpert in large-scale data analysis, pattern recognition, and ATLAS pixel detector quality assurance.
Michael Leyton
Founding Member
Mohammad Moosajee
Texas Tech UniversityExploring the Spooky world of Quantum Mechanics and Particle Entanglement with a quest to design low end open source Quantum Computer.
Naomi Kodama Fukumuro
A scientist working on plants and small animals for climate change issues.
Patricia Montalvo
I work as administrative manager. I love the idea of improving the life of those less favoured by using technology.
Pierre Freyermuth
CERNAuthentic Proton-breeder, Electronic technician and Java developer.
Ruben Fernandez Morcillo
Founding Member
CERNMechanical technician with knowledge in rapid prototyping machinery. Currently working as safety officer.
Sylvestro di Luise
CERNPhysicist working on material characterisations for future accelerator developments.
Sylvain Kaufmann
CERNProcess engineer in the electronics assembly workshop@CERN.
Tomoko Muranaka
Technical Project Manager
CERNPhysicist working on material characterisations for future accelerator developments.
Valerio Rosseti
École AthénaParticle physicist ex-CERN, expert in searches for Dark Matter. Now teacher in high-school and volunteer teacher for migrant women.
Knowledge Transfer
Entrepreneurship Coach 2017

Felix Stähli (CH)
Passionate about social entrepreneurship and leveraging the potential of Geneva-based international sectors for social innovation, Felix a co-founder of Impact Hub Geneva and Lausanne. He leads operations, Geneva-based innovation projects and public relations. Alongside the Hub, Felix is co-president of the Geneva Global Goals Innovation Day (G3iD) and supports Just Innovate, as well as the THE Port Humanitarian Hackathons as an advisory board member. Kitesurfing and cross-country skiing are among the hobbies he loves most.
We are part of the global Impact Hub network and thus connect you to over 100 other Impact Hubs spaces and entrepreneurship communities worldwide. This November we will open Impact Hub Lausanne.